
Scarlet Flame

Scarlet Flame

Callistemon viminalis

Scarlet Flame™ is an ultra-compact, fine leaf Callistemon with rustic red new growth in autumn and spring. This more compact seedling selection from Captain Cook also has beautifully delicate flowers that along with the new growth, provide a more colourful plant for a longer period.

Scarlet Flame™ is self-cleaning after flowering. This means it doesn’t have that just finished flowering look for long.

It will grow approx. 4-5′ high x 3.5′ wide when left unpruned. When Scarlet Flame is pruned yearly, it will stay in a compact form at approx. 2-3′ high. It will reach 4′ high when pruned every two years.

Uses: Perfect as a hedge or specimen shrub.

Requires full sun to part shade and works in most soil types. Tough and drought tolerant.


Water well until established and prune as required